So as explained below, the combination of device/time scripts on a motion sensor with a fixed name-prefix of e.g. The idea is simple: By giving a device (real or dummy) in Domoticz a name constructed by adding a pre-determined prefix to an existing device/group name, Lua is used to detect when *any* device with that prefix changes state and to carry out a specific action on an existing physical device/group defined already in Domoticz (and named without using the helper-prefix). This wiki describes how combining Lua scripting with a clever device-naming convention based on the use of name-prefixes can make existing dumb devices smarter. 4 Simple event to switch on devices based on status of other devices & time.2.3.2 Reacting to Any Number of Dummy Switches for Simplified Coding.2.2.2 Time Script to Turn Light or Group Off after a Variable Time.
2.2.1 Device Script to Turn Light or Group On at Specific Times of Day.2 Turning a Simple PIR into a Smart PIR.